North Jersey
AgileAccess™ recent IEEE activities include a talk on SDR (Software Definable Radio), in collaboration with a reputable Canadian manufacturer of SDR hardware. The talk was presented at the IEEE North Jersey Chapter meeting held at Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Hill, New Jersey on September 23, 2014. Follow the vTools link below for the talk announcement, or go to IEEE North Jersey site and look under the September [pdf], Newsletter.
The AgileAccess™ presentation Survey of Technology, where we are --in preparation for the bandwidth hungry 5G, earmarked for 2020 (5GPPP Consortium Report), will be posted in the Library section shortly.
Sarnoff Symposium:
Sarnoff Symposium is held every year under IEEE sponsorship, on various university campuses around New Jersey. The event is fairly international and draws participants from Europe and Asia beside all around the US.
AgileAccess™ participated in the organizing of Sarnoff Symposium (2008) for the second year, having won an Award for Outstanding Arrangements service earlier in 2007. In 2008 the assignment was expanded to include Exhibition & Sponsorships. Major industry players were invited for joining in support of the Symposium by sponsoring various events. The response was excellent, Sarnoff Symposium was a great success again this year.
AgileAccess™ organized two major conferences for (IEC, Chicago IL) the DesignCon2000 held on the west coast.
Services included:
1. Setting up Paper Tracks, and Tutorials
2. Soliciting for papers, worldwide
- Distributing papers for review
- Working with authors
- Best paper selection process
3. Discussion Panels, topic selection
- Panel Members search and invitations
4. Keynote Speaker search and invitation
5. Honors and Awards processes
6. Exhibits & Sponsorship
7. Coordinating with DesignCon staff
The conferences were a huge success and continuing to be held every year. Participation from all continents made it a truly International event.
Training & Seminars:
Wireless Transceiver Design
AgileAccess™ has designed and delivered seminars for professionals involved in Wireless design. The seminar (available) covers a wide perspective including the Cellular- and Wired- Telecom, along with addressing the specific challenges in design of Radio Front-Ends. The seminar may be tailored for a broad audience including academic institutions, Engineering and Community Colleges. Sample pages from the handout are available (--will be posted soon).
Remote Monitoring & Control
Another seminar is in early stages of preparation, and deals with Security market, in particular Remote Monitoring & Control Systems. Technology topics include Video NTSC & Digital, Cameras, DVR, Transport over the Internet (IP), Remote Monitoring means, Integrated Services-Solutions which are being assimilated in large buildings code.